Sunday, December 27, 2009


Wow! Did we have a nice Christmas?! We got too many presents - I sorta feel guilty. It was a little bit crazy. I actually boxed up two boxes of unopened toys last night and the girls didn't even realize they were missing today. I'm gonna have to cut the grandparents off next year. It's such a touchy subject, but my girls love cute clothes, shoes, DVD's etc that don't take up room that we don't have in our tiny, tiny house. Of course, there are some toys that they've outgrown that can go to Goodwill... But still.

Here was our Christmas:

Christmas Eve: Feast of the 7 fishes at Aunt B's. This was yummy as always. Then we went to church at 8pm! I would like to say that it was a wonderful worshipful experience for me, but I spent the whole time passing notes with the girls using the pew envelopes and prayer cards in order to keep them quiet so everyone else could worship.

We got home from church at 10:30 and Gigi and Riley were already sleeping, and we managed to get Evelyn to sleep fairly soon after that. Of course, we were up til 1 am putting out gifts, stuffing stockings, last minute cleaning, and baking the Birthday cake.

Christmas: (to be continued)
Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel

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