Monday, May 10, 2010

A case of momnesia

I'm sitting at the dentist office, in the parking lot actually, between two identical silver Nitros blogging from my Blackberry because I got the time for my appointment wrong. I am 2 hours early, which is rather impressive considering I'm rarely on time for anything. Maybe this is what God intended: time for me to sit and write and the shade on a beautiful Monday afternoon. Except of course, I don't agree. I was in the middle of doing laundry, the house is a wreck, my mom is watching the girls, and while she doesn't really mind, she has this way of making me feel guilty for asking her. I feel like a failure. Now my appointment that I thought was 1 is at 3 and I have to get home and have the girls ready and be back out to St Clairsville at 6, which I can say, quite assuredly, I will be late for. I also have to teach tomorrow, which means the babysitter is going to get to experience my disgusting house because there will be no time to clean it. Sigh. Oh sigh.

So this is a bad day coupled on top of some bad weeks. Two children from our small communities have passed away. Both tragically and unexpected.

Conflict, again, with an organization that Richard and I have been dedicated to for years. This times lies were told, both to me, and about me. Amazingly, I've been able to find some peace, only through God's grace.

Our small group ended and it went really well. I'm looking forward to doing another one in the fall. But now I kinda feel let down, I need accountability in my spiritual walk, and I'm afraid for the summer ahead.

YM is only going so, so. I used to rely on summer break as a time to build relationships with my students, but they're driving now, applying for jobs, taking summer classes, and doing who knows what else.

Sorry for such a downer post, but it's where I am.

I will add that I've been doing some homeschool prep and I'm pretty excited about that! :)
Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel

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